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Опубликовано 11 Дек 2013 г.

"Months after an encounter with a mysterious 'Doctor', Sherlock becomes obsessed with discovering more about this impossible man... until the man makes an unexpected return."

Watch the VFX Breakdown here: youtu.be/1Zrn37KzxuE

In anticipation of both the Doctor Who Christmas Special and the Third Series of Sherlock, I created a small crossover story. Though it may not be perfect, I'm still pretty happy with the results.

Hope you enjoy!


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@темы: Шерлок Холмс, Ну вас расплющило однако!, Самоделки, инструкции, туториалы, Ролевые игры, ФБ, блин!, Клипы

17.12.2013 в 09:00

Не ждите чуда - чудите сами.
Сволочь Шерлок. Ватсона жалко.

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